ABB's new digital timing switch can save up to 50% of energy
With the release of ABB's upgraded digital and mechanical time switches, the improvement of comfort and energy efficiency in residential, commercial and industrial buildings will become more convenient and efficient. The product line is one of the solutions to realize ABB's vision of zero emission in smart city, which will make the operation of customers more sustainable now and in the future.
The ability to control a single or group of loads makes ABB's digital time switch series an ideal choice for commercial buildings. Depending on the level of application and automation used in the overall solution, customers can save up to 50% on average.
At the same time of upgrading the product range, abb has also launched an intuitive application for IOS and Android smartphones, which can shorten the debugging time of digital timing switch by up to 80%. The new application enables users to better use intelligent functions to reduce waste and effectively manage energy utilization in residential and commercial buildings.
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