Xi Jinping's latest international conference puts forward these ideas to fight epidemic
On theevening of June 17, President Xi Jinping presided over the China-AfricaUnity and Anti-Epidemic Special Summit in Beijing and delivered a speechentitled "Unity against Epidemic, Common Ground". Times are tough"keynote address. This is the third time that Xi Jinping has attended aninternational multilateral conference since the outbreak of the newpneumonia epidemic.
At the summit, President Xi Jinping put forward a series of importantinitiatives and propositions in his keynote address, demonstrating hisfirm determination to "unite to fight the epidemic and overcome thedifficulties together", pointing out the way forward for China-Africacooperation in the fight against the epidemic and practical cooperationin the face of the epidemic, charting the future direction ofChina-Africa relations, and injecting powerful positive energy intointernational solidarity and cooperation to overcome the epidemic assoon as possible.
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