Pakistan celebrated its 74th Independence Day with great pomp and circumstance on 14 March.
Ata flag-raising ceremony held at the presidential palace in the capitalIslamabad, Pakistani President Arif Alvi delivered a speech onPakistan's achievements in internal affairs, economy and diplomacy. Hesaid that Pakistan has defeated terrorism and extremism in recent yearsand emerged as a model for the world in effectively fighting terrorismand extremism.
Hesaid that the people of Pakistan have shown unprecedented disciplineand strict adherence to epidemic prevention in the fight against theneo-crown epidemic, which has slowed down the growth of new confirmedcases in the country.
OnAfghanistan, Alvi said Pakistan has been hosting millions of Afghanrefugees for years and a peaceful resolution of the Afghan issue wouldmake Pakistan the "second largest" beneficiary and hoped that the Afghanpeace process would move forward smoothly.
Alvisaid the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), which is underconstruction, will help Pakistan's society develop and get rid ofpoverty, help boost the country's re-export trade to Central Asiancountries and help restore peace and stability in the region.
Pakistan,originally part of British India, became a British colony in 1858, andin June 1947, the British announced the "Mountbatten Plan" to implementthe partition of India and Pakistan. On 14 August of the same year,Pakistan declared independence.