Morethan 2,000 years ago, the traditional Christian churches in Europedesignated November 1 as the "Day of the World's Saints", "Hallow"meaning saint. According to legend, since 500 B.C., the Celts who livedin Ireland and Scotland moved this day forward by one day, i.e. October31. They considered it the official end of summer, the beginning of thenew year and the beginning of the harsh winter. It was then believedthat the spirits of the deceased would return on this day to find lifein the living in their native lands, and thus be reborn.
Halloween Activities: Oct 31 to Nov 30.
Distributed control system (DCS)
Programmable Logic Controller (PLC)
Remote input / outputmodule (RTU)
Industrial PC (IPC)
Industrial low-frequency screen
Lowcapacity hard drives for industrial use SCSI (50,68,80Pin)