New Shanghai factory to use AI technology to optimize robot manufacturing quality control
AnShiming, President of ABB Robotics and Discrete Automation, spoke at theWorld Artificial Intelligence Conference (WAIC) 2020, held July 9-11 inShanghai, China.
The neo-coronavirus is the most important catalyst for industrialchange in our time, forcing our customers to re-evaluate theirdevelopment priorities," he said in his keynote address during theIndustry Development Plenary Session. The global lockdown launched tocontrol the spread of the virus did not by itself trigger any newtrends, but it nevertheless accelerated the manifestation andadvancement of four established industry characteristics and trends -the prevalence of personalized consumption, increasing labor shortages,increased uncertainty and accelerated digitization - that willfundamentally change the face of manufacturing in the long term."
To accelerate technology innovation and ensure that AI becomes anintegral part of robotics solutions, ABB also works with industryleaders such as Huawei, Microsoft, Wise and Ericsson, world-classuniversities and a number of global start-ups to create a globalinnovation ecosystem.